Domains bank

.BANK is a new generic Top-Level-Domain (gTLD)

Buy a domain bank

Registration price in the bank domain — 52029.00 uah/year
Renewal price in the bank domain — 52029.00 uah/year
Post-deletion recovery price in the bank domain — 8400.00 uah

Domain zone bank. Main characteristics.

Registry fTLD Registry Services, LLC,
Domain registration (period) 1-10 years
Registration time Real time
IDN support supported
Admissible number of character 1-63 symbols
Admissible characters A-Z, 0-9, -
WHOIS-Privacy allowed no
DNS SEC support yes
Autorenew Grace Period 35 days after expiration date
A domain name restoration Restoration is possible within 30 days upon deletion

Domains bank. Frequently Asked Questions.

Who is the target customer for a .BANK domain name?

The .BANK domain intended for the benefit of banks and savings associations that are chartered and supervised by a government regulatory authority. Also for service provider organizations that are principally owned by or predominantly supporting regulated entities identified above and for Government regulators of chartered and supervised banks or savings associations or organizations whose members are primarily comprised of such government regulators

How to find out if the chosen domain name is free?

It is possible to check a domain name availability on our web site

How much does it cost the registration in the .BANK domain?

Domain registration or prolongation in domain zone . will be cost 52029.00 UAH per year.

Is a domain name registration permitted?

It is possible to register a domain name if this name is free and meets all requirements of the .BANK registry.

What do I need to register a domain name in the .BANK domain?

To register a .BANK domain name, you need to fill out a form on the website and get a Token. The token must be redirected to the Registrar to start the registration process. The registration process will be started after your payment.

Are there any additional conditions and requirements for a .BANK domain name?

- bank domains must use .bank nameservers - DNSSEC required - Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) required - encryption required for web access, mail exchange and file transfer full list of .bank security requirements:

Are there any restrictions for a .BANK domain name?

The registrant's organization must be in the banking sector

Do I need to have a trademark or another official documents for registration in the .BANK domain?

The administration of the .BANK domain zone may request additional supporting documents from the future registrant.