Domains ua

.ua is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ukraine.

Buy a domain ua

Registration price in the ua domain — 2940.00 uah/year
Renewal price in the ua domain — 2940.00 uah/year
Post-deletion recovery price in the ua domain — 5346.00 uah

Domain zone ua. Main characteristics.

Registry Hostmaster Ltd.,
Domain registration (period) 1-10 years
Registration time from 1 up to 5 days
IDN support not supported
Admissible number of character 1-63 symbols
Admissible characters A-Z, 0-9, -
WHOIS-Privacy allowed yes
DNS SEC support yes
Autorenew Grace Period 30 days after expiration date
A domain name restoration Restores are possible within 30 days upon deletion

Domains ua. Frequently Asked Questions.

Who can use domain zone "ua"?

.ua Domains are delegated only to proper owners of trademarks.

How to find if the chosen domain is free?

It is possible to check a domain name availability on our web site.

How much domain "ua" registration costs?

Domain registration or prolongation in domain zone "ua" will be cost "2940.00" UAH per year.

Is domain registration permitted?

It is possible if this domain name is free and meets all requirements of the .UA registry.

What you need for domain registration in zone "ua"?

Under current .UA domain Policy, domain names like are delegated only to proper owners of trademarks. Thus, to obtain .UA domain name you must have:

Trademark certificate issued according to Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks acting in Ukraine (abbreviation "UA" must be in the field 831 DESIGNATIONS);

The Certificate of Ukraine for the trademark or service mark issued by the central executive authority dealing with issues of legal protection of intellectual property;

Agreement on transfer of trademark ownership authority (if the registrant is not a certificate owner).

Are there any additional conditions and requirements for domain zone "ua"?

Second-level private domain names in the .UA domain shall be delegated exclusively on condition that the domain name in question completely and spelling of its second-level component (before the “.” character excluding such character) coincides with the Mark where the rights of use of such Mark in Ukraine are held by the relevant registrant.

If the Mark contains symbols of other alphabets except for the Latin one, numerals of other calculus systems and/or other symbols, the spelling of the Mark shall be its transliteration in Latin characters done in compliance with transliteration rules of the alphabet, by means of which the Mark is written.

Are there any restrictions for domain zone "ua"?

No, if this domain name is free and meets all requirements of the .UA registry.

Do you need to have a trademark or another official documents for domain "ua" registration?

Yes. UA Domains are delegated only to proper owners of trademarks.